Here at Lamson

We provide our students with a quality education that can offer our graduates the opportunity to obtain employment in their programs of study upon graduation. Our commitment to student success is reflected in our core values of:

  • Educational Excellence
  • Student Satisfaction
  • Career Services success
  • Continuous Improvement of our institution

Our mission is simple:

Lamson Institute prepares students for career-focused employment by delivering relevant career training.

Lamson focuses on providing San Antonio, Texas career college opportunities in a relatively short period of time that prepares students for entry-level positions in their field of study. Our goal is to assist every student to achieve their educational and professional goals and to promote an environment that fosters helping family, improving futures, and the ability to earn a better living! Our students come first!

Interested in one of our career training programs? Just fill out the information request form to the right of this page!